It’s important to note that the word Zen is from the Buddhist denomination. It is often used as a slang word to represent peace and serenity, however that may not be suitable for your residents or home.
You could always come up with a creative name for your space or simply go with the Serenity Room, Peaceful Parlor, Calm Corner, or something along those lines.
If using the word Zen is appropriate, then Zen Den is a great name or if outside, Zen Garden. Many Zen spaces include Buddha statues and the like and that may also not be what you are looking for. I think the more non-denominational, the more inclusive it will be, but that’s truly unique to each home.
Also keep in mind that you can combine the concept of Zen (peace, serenity, spirituality), with the concept of sensory stimulation, a term used to do just that, stimulate the senses. A Zen-like decor with various props and stimuli can be used to stimulate or calm depending on what scents are used, colors, and so on. You can also bring in some of the traditional MSE equipment to accomplish this, such as the color changing bubble/water tanks, colored LED lights, or interactive sensory equipment.
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By Ginger Bonner |
I look forward to Ladybug Day all year round. It is quite a creative Ginger day, from the costume to the incredible edible part of the day. To begin with, the costume is very easy and it costs virtually nothing to turn everybody into a ladybug. A person who is willing to be turned into a ladybug by simply a stripe of black tape and scotch taped black construction paper spots will become young before your eyes! Add some pipe cleaner antennas you can add onto a headband and the same wings you used for other costumes and really bring it to life. You should definitely have a pair of wings in your closet, they can be used over and over and result in many happy smiles. I have seen many pre-made ladybug props for children's birthday parties but anything solid red, from a piece of clothing to a bucket to a balloon will look create a ladybug environment by adding black spots made with paper or tape. By the way, a ladybug can also be orange or yellow and when creating the costume for the residents, adding tape and spots to any solid color will work.
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In this free zipped folder, I share some fun Ice cream-themed activity worksheets. This bundle includes 9 activities: 2 word search puzzles, 2 word scrambles, crossword puzzle, 2 coloring pages, A-Z Game, and a kriss kross puzzle. Just download and print!
S.P.I.R.I.T. e-Kit for Seniors - 50% OFF
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The S.P.I.R.I.T. e-Kit (Spiritual Practices, Inspiration, Religious, and Individualized Techniques for Seniors) consists of a variety of activities and tools that are designed to enhance one’s spiritual journey. These activities may be done in a group setting or on a one to one basis. Some activities such as word searches, affirmations, anagrams, mandalas, etc. may be done independently as well. The activities in this e-Kit can be adapted for individuals with a variety of cognitive abilities and are designed for older adults and seniors. Many of these activities are wonderful for the care provider too! Includes 30 PDF documents + bonus access to a letting go meditation video on Youtube. View the table of contents.
*Click here to grab this now*
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Thank you for taking the time to view this newsletter. I hope you get the opportunity to relax and enjoy some wonderful zen time! Many blessings, Kim