Recreative Resources


It’s important to note that the word Zen is from the Buddhist denomination. It is often used as a slang word to represent peace and serenity, however that may not be suitable for your residents or home.

You could always come up with a creative name for your space or simply go with the Serenity Room, Peaceful Parlor, Calm Corner, or something along those lines.


If using the word Zen is appropriate, then Zen Den is a great name or if outside, Zen Garden. Many Zen spaces include Buddha statues and the like and that may also not be what you are looking for. I think the more non-denominational, the more inclusive it will be, but that’s truly unique to each home.


Also keep in mind that you can combine the concept of Zen (peace, serenity, spirituality), with the concept of sensory stimulation, a term used to do just that, stimulate the senses. A Zen-like decor with various props and stimuli can be used to stimulate or calm depending on what scents are used, colors, and so on. You can also bring in some of the traditional MSE equipment to accomplish this, such as the color changing bubble/water tanks, colored LED lights, or interactive sensory equipment.


I know it can feel overwhelming when creating a new space and it can be quite costly. You don’t have to finish the space all at once. Just start somewhere. If you don’t have an entire designated room, then look for a corner or section. Please be sure to have the maintenance department review all equipment before purchasing to ensure all is up to code. I also recommend that the maintenance department help with installing any electrical equipment.


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Something to keep in mind when creating a Zen room, Zen space, with plants, aroma diffuser, nature sounds, a waterfall of some kind, fishtank, etc. You can also have LED lights to set the mood, a nature mural, and all kinds of tactile items that are more natural. I do like the changing colored bubble towers. That is a good investment. Just be careful with all of the high priced equipment. It really can be way over stimulating for those with dementia. The following are some recommended decor, props and equipment for a Zen-like environment.


  • drums for drumming circle, rainsticks, chimes, tuning forks, tibetan singing bowl, tingshas
  • inspirational saying posters/pictures
  • battery operated candles
  • comfy couch/chairs
  • dream catchers, chimes, stained glass decor
  • Nature murals (beach, gardens, mountains, waterfall/stream, etc.)
  • salt lamp, mood lamps, led lights
  • music source (including individual ear phones)
  • aroma diffuser and essential oils
  • plants (check for safety)
  • fishtank, water fountains
  • natural materials like large rocks, wooden objects, etc. (only if appropriate)
  • inspirational bulletin board or inspirational tree with sayings

Kim's Cozy Corner

Check out my Kim's Cozy Corner. The hubby and I turned an ugly eye-sore in my backyard into a quaint sitting area. I still have some work to do on it, but so far I'm loving it! You can create simple, peaceful areas like this in your work space or home as well. Be creative and use what you have. You don't have to spend a lot of money.

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