Meeting the individual quality of life needs and interests of residents in long term care facilities, is quite the challenge for Activity and Recreation Departments. Many residents require one to one interventions for various reasons such as cognitive impairments, severe physical limitations, psychosocial or health conditions, and even, choice. Activity staff, volunteers, family members, visitors, and other health care providers can provide one to one activities that are meaningful to each resident. It must be a team approach.
Meaningful 1 x 1 Quality of Life Activities |
This 60 minute introductory inservice is designed to assist the Recreation/Activity Director, or Staff Educator in providing an overview of One to One meaningful activities as it pertains to older adults and elders. Many one to one programs are presented. This is a wonderful inservice for all staff and volunteers. FOR ENTIRE STAFF! Participants will be able to:
*define 1x1 activities
*state at least 5 benefits of 1x1 activities
*discuss at least 6 1x1 activity ideas
Click here to get started!
Dealing with Difficult People |
One thing Recreation and Activity
Directors don't expect when they enter the realm of management is having to deal
with the varying personalities and behaviors of employees. It came as a big
surprise to me decades ago as a young manager. Over the years, I have learned
how to better deal with people and started seeing through their eyes.
I only wish I had this wisdom and intuitive skill decades ago. All I can do is share with you now. Trust me. This is a huge management tip.
SUMMER - 4th of July Free Download |
The Summer Solstice occurs on the first day of Summer. This year it falls on Friday, June 20th. It is the longest day of the year with more light than dark! Bring on the sun, barbecues, picnics, and those wonderful summer days!
In this free zipped folder, I share some fun 4th of July-themed activity worksheets. This bundle includes 8 activities: 2 word search puzzles, 2 word scrambles, 1 coloring page discussion sheet, quotes, sensory planning guide, and a kriss kross puzzle. Just download and print!
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Thank you for taking the time to view this newsletter. Happy Summer and Happy 4th of July!
Many blessings, Kim