Recreative Resources





The National Therapeutic Recreation Society established National Therapeutic Recreation Week in 1984. This special week has been celebrated during the second week of July annually since then. ATRA has recently resumed responsibility and has deemed the month of February as Therapeutic Recreation Month so be sure to check out the ATRA website for promotional items.

The following are some great ideas to help you celebrate! If you have any ideas that you would like to share please contact Kim Grandal.

Download a TR Month flyer

Gifts for Recreation Therapists and Professionals

*Other ideas: Buy inexpensive fragrant candles, candies, flowers, lotions, soaps, etc.

*Give certificates to all Therapeutic Recreation personnel


Articles and Videos

Article Gaining Professional Respect

Video: I am a Recreational Therapist

Video: What is Therapeutic Recreation

Video: Recreational Therapists Job Description

Video: What is TR Anyway? (features songs related to TR/RT)

Video: Impact of Therapeutic Recreation (this is AWESOME)



Get Inspired

*Download Magical Spellbinding Quotes compiled by Danny Pettry-it’s free!

*Download Anne Stewart’s Tips for Helping-this is free too!

*Inspirational stories/poems

Simple Truths has great inspirational books for you or your staff. Gather the Activity Department each day to watch these movies

*Visit my Inspirational stories/poems page for more goodness.

*Kim's Favorite De-stress Tips - Read the entire article here.

  • Make time every single day for yourself
  • Walk, run, exercise
  • Drink tea and a lot of water
  • Music and sounds
  • Breathing techniques
  • Meditation
  • Positive affirmations
  • Essential oils/aromatherapy
  • Crystals, lucky charms, or any spiritual tool of your choice
  • Animals
  • Playtime and leisure
  • Take a bath
  • Get outside
  • There are many other ways you can de-stress such as yoga, tai chi, fun with friends/family, dancing, art, writing, reading, gardening, vacations, and so on.

*Visit my self-care page for more articles and helpful tips *Get out the popcorn and watch some great movies about quality of life.

*Range of Motion starring Rebecca DeMornay

*Patch Adams starring Robin Williams

*When You Remember Me Starring Fred Savage

Show the Re-Creative Resources Inc. videos:



Join a professional organization

*Amercian Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA)

*National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)



Get Certified

*Check out the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification


Educate, Educate, Educate

*Create storyboard tri-folds. Paste on pictures, news clips, articles, and poems, such as

*Purpose and Benefits of Therapeutic Activities

*Host Therapeutic Recreation Fair

*Hold a panel discussion. Have several Therapeutic Recreation staff on the panel to answer questions and discuss the benefits of therapeutic recreation. Invite staff, family, clients/patients/residents, etc.

  • Fun Activity training games
  • More Than Just Bingo, AKA  Leisure Bingo
  • Tic Tac Techniques
  • Recreation Jeopardy and more!

Click here for these games


Brain Storm: Theme-Related Trivia, Word Games, and Discussion Materials (Volume One: Recreation and Leisure), is pdf that includes 80 pages of trivia, discussion questions, quotes, fun facts, word games, word puzzles, and creative thinking activities, based on the theme recreation and leisure. The activities in this book can be adapted for individuals with a variety of cognitive abilities and are designed for older adults and seniors.

ONLY $5 with a 50% price cut (reg $10.95) sent via email




Promote Teamwork

Develop a theme for the Therapeutic Recreation Department and have T-shirts made from a local printing company. Have the Therapeutic Recreation staff wear their shirts all week or on a designated day. This really promotes unity and the staff  love it. Some themes I’ve used in the past include:

*Therapeutic Recreation : More Than Just Bingo

*Therapeutic Recreation: The Other Best Medicine

*Therapeutic Recreation: Re-Creating, Mind, Body and Spirit

Be creative. Better yet, turn it into a contest. Ask residents, staff, etc. to develop a theme and the winner receives a free t-shirt! You can also buy themed shirts from the gifts section mentioned above.


Other Fun Stuff

*Host a breakfast, luncheon, or dinner for the Therapeutic Recreation Department

*Bring TR staff out for a meal

*Have a surprise party

*Have a Guess Who Baby Picture Contest

*Have a Who’s Who in the TR department Contest


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