Good Lovin' Crystal Showcase!

Updated 3/3/2024 at 8:30am ET
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February is the perfect time for the Good Lovin' Crystal Showcase! This showcase features a variety of crystals and minerals with that good lovin' vibe, including beautiful crystal hearts. The heart shape represents the amplification of love and compassion energy, along with the individual vibes of the various gemstones. Gemstone hearts are great for meditation, placing on the body, crystal grids, to wear, carry with you, place out in your space, give as gifts and so on. All Good Lovin' Showcase orders will come with a free bag of pink Himalayan salt for baths, foot soaks, mojo bags and other cleansing rituals. Adopters also receive a free good lovin' affirmation card! Are you ready for some love vibes?


Watch the video below or on Youtube, and when you see that perfect sparkly friend, come back to this page, add to cart, check out, and pay shipping invoice. Please consolidate your orders as much as possible. Some important things to mention:

  • The showcase is a first come, first serve showdown.
  • If there is no PayPal button, the crystal friend is not available.
  • However, just because the button is there, doesn't mean the crystal friend is available. You will know of the availability once you check out and even then, sometimes Pay Pal is glitchy.
  • Having trouble with the Pay Pal buttons? Click here for some tips.
  • Prices don't include shipping cost. I will email you a shipping invoice when you are finished shopping. If the invoice is not paid within 72 hours, your order will be cancelled.
  • Shipping within the United States and Canada only. Learn more about shipping here.
  • MINIMUM PURCHASE IS $10. Check out the store for more crystal goodness!



Hearts  -   Calcite, Pistachio  -  Garnet  -  Jasper, Ocean  -  Kunzite  - 
  -  Misc. Sparklies  -  Opal, Pink  -  Quartz, Fire  -  Quartz, Red  -  
Quartz, Rose  -  Rhodonite  -  Tourmaline, Pink/Rubellite

Sometimes PayPal allows for more than one person to make a purchase on a specific sparkly, even though I have it set to NOT do that. If that happens, the person who adopted first (based on timestamps) will be able to adopt and the others will be refunded and notified ASAP.





Hearts - Love and compassion energy!

Satin Spar - aura cleanse, purification, peace, divinity, clarity, high consciousness, spiritual growth

Rubellite - deep love connection, passion, vitality, tranquility, positivity, protection

Flower Agate - growth, plant seeds & blossom, transformation, nurturing, manifest
Himalayan Salt - love, forgiveness, cleansing, purification, stress relief, peace

Yellow Quartz - grounding, motivation, positivity, success, creativity, action, vitality
Green Jasper - Earth energies, general healing, growth, connection to nature, grounding

Clear Quartz - energy amplification, clarity, intuition, knowledge, psychic, spiritual growth

Amazonite - truth dispel negativity, emotional balance, self-respect, alignment of true self
Amethyst - intuition, clairvoyance, vision, dream recall, higher realms, spirituality
White Labradorite - clarity and light, psychic abilities, intuition, feminine energy
Sunstone - manifestation, leadership, optimism, sun connection, happiness
Dalmatian Jasper - protection, grounding, playfulness, happiness, loyalty

Pink Aventurine - love, nurturing, compassion, intuition, heart-centeredness
Unakite - emotional balance, unity, release blockages, past life healing, heart, love

1. Satin Spar Selenite heart 6 ounces 3 x 2.75 inches $12.50
2. Satin Spar Selenite heart 7 ounces 3.25 x 2.75 inches $13*
3. Satin Spar Selenite heart 6 ounces 3.25 x 2.75 inches $12.50*
4. Satin Spar Selenite heart 5 ounces 3 x 2.5 inches $11.50
13. Yellow Quartz heart 4 ounces 2.5 x 2.25 inches $10
19. Amethyst heart 1 ounce 1.5 x 1.25 inches $7
20. White Labradorite (Rainbow Moonstone) heart 1 ounce 1.5 x 1.25 inches $7
25. Pink Aventurine Heart 4 ounces 2.25 x 2.25 inches $12
27. Unakite Heart 7 ounces 3 x 3 inches $16
29. Unakite Heart 6 ounces 3 x 2.75 inches $15
30. Red Aventurine flat heart pull-string black cord necklace $5.50





Vitality, strength, abundance, grounding, passion, protection, safe travels
1. Garnet palm stone 4 oz 2.5 x 1.75 inches $15
3. Garnet Rough and Tumbled set 5 inch - 1 ounce total $12





Emotional wellness, love, heart healing, stress relief, compassion
1. Kunzite rough 1.25 ounces 1.5 x 1.25 inches $8




Stone of transformation, heart, love, overall wellness, emotional balance, calm anxiety,
safe travel
2. Polished Malachite 2 oz, 2 x 1.75 inches $11




Misc Sparklies from Clearance Page

Garnierite - accumulation stone, prosperity, balance, good luck, empowerment, matters of heart
Pink Dolomite - grief relief, compassion, serenity, love of self and others, peaceful sleep
Pink Calcite - emotional wellness, love, stress relief, angelic connection, heart-centeredness

Ruby Zoisite - passion, vitality, heart, love, action, inspiration, spiritual empowerment

1. Garnierite palm stone 5 ounces 2.25 x 2 inches Sale $11*
2. Pink Dolomite rough 2.5oz, 2 x 1.75 inches Sale $10*




Quartz, Fire
Quartz, Red Quartz

Fire Quartz - Balance mind, body, spirit, ground spiritual energy, take action, vitality, passion, creativity
Red Quartz - Courage, vitality, protection, grounding, take action, creativity
3. Fire Quartz cut point 8 oz 2.5 x 2 inches $10
4. Red Quartz double point cluster 1 ounce 2 x 1 inches $7
5. Red Quartz double point cluster 1 ounce 1.75 x 1.25 inches $7
6. Red Quartz double point cluster 1 ounce 2 x 1.25 inches $7
7. Red Quartz bridge cluster 1 ounce 2.5 x 1.5 inches $7



Quartz, Rose

Love stone, peace, tranquility, compassion, forgiveness, relationships
2. Rose Quartz rough 1 pound 15 ounces 4 x 3.5 inches $15
3. Rose Quartz rough 4 ounces 2 x 1.75 inches $4
4. Rose Quartz rough 3 ounces 2 x 1.5 inches $4
7. Rose Quartz Angel 1 ounce 2.25 x 1.5 inches $11
8. Rose Quartz Angel 1 ounce 2.25 x 1.5 inches $11
14. Rose Quartz faceted pendulums (3 available)




Tourmaline, Pink and Rubellite

Deep love connection, passion, vitality, tranquility, positivity, protection
1. Pink Tourmaline rough 1.5 ounces 1.5 x 1.25 inches $4
2. Pink Tourmaline rough 1.5 ounces 1.75 x 1.25 inches $4
3. Pink Tourmaline rough 1 ounce 1.75 x 1.25 inches $4
4. Pink Tourmaline rough 1 ounce 1.5 x 1.25 inches $4
5. Rubellite Tourmaline Palm Stone 5 ounces 2.5 x 2.5 inches Sale $14*
8. Rubellite Tourmaline Palm Stone 4.5 ounces 2.5 x 2.5 inches Sale $14*




**Check out the following pages**





Having trouble with the Pay Pal buttons?

1) If you are using a mobile phone and Facebook app and the buttons don't work, leave FB and use another browser. If you can't find this exact page, go directly to my home page at and the showcase link will be there.

2) Item isn't in your cart? Add one item at a time to your cart and check the cart after each add. There's a view cart button at the top of this page. Basically, view your cart after each "add to cart" to ensure the item is in your cart. If the item isn't available, it will tell you that upon checkout.

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