Recreative Resources


By Kim Grandal, ACC/EDU, ACM

Many people become motivated to make changes in their lives, especially after a New Year or the Winter hibernation (depending on where you live). However, we may desire changes anytime of year! I am often asked, "How can I make my dreams come true?" Let me start by saying that I am not a career or life coach but I shall share three important manifestation tips that may help you on your journey.

#1 - What Do You Seek?

What is it that you seek? In order to manifest your desires, you need to go within to answer this question. Many people don't know what they want and then send out mixed messages. I tend to make this mistake myself. How about you? Take some time and really reflect upon your wants and wishes. Do you want a new job, relationship, money, a new car, a pair of shoes, or perhaps to travel? Or love, health, joy, peace, forgiveness, relief, enhanced intuition, wisdom, etc.? It can be very challenging to pinpoint our true desires, so don’t rush through this important part of the process.


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#2 - Why Do You Seek?

When setting your manifestation intentions (also called an affirmation), keep in mind that it likely isn’t about the actual situation, relationship, thing, etc. It’s more about how that situation, relationship, object, etc. makes you feel. Ask yourself WHY you want this. How will you feel once you have achieved this manifestation? Is it something that you feel deep within your soul? Is it something that you are going to be motivated to work for and stay focused on and committed to? Take these thoughts and move them down to your heart space and ask your heart these very important questions. For example:

• Do you want to manifest a new job or career? Why? How would that make you feel?

• Would you feel happier or more fulfilled with that new job?

• What else could bring you more joy and fulfillment?

• Is this REALLY about wanting a new job/career or is it REALLY about seeking a more fulfilling life? Be honest with yourself.

This is a very important part of manifestation and when you dig deep to answer these questions honestly, then you can set very clear intentions of what you seek.

#3 - Don’t Believe, KNOW

I feel we often fail when we are consciously attempting to manifest something or a situation, because deep down, we really don’t believe in our own power. We manifest every day, every moment, but are unaware of this on a conscious level. When the time comes for us to consciously manifest, we buckle at the knees. We may say we believe, but those pesky doubts come knocking at the door. We may not even be aware that we doubt in this process. At the subconscious level we could be questioning and this can hold us back by sending out mixed messages. Oh, what a tangled manifestation web we weave! If you have doubts, fake it ‘till you make it. You can also meditate, state affirmations, pray, eat more yellow fruits and veggies, get exercise and sunshine. Embrace your power! It may be a process: Disbelief– Belief – Knowing. The true conscious manifestation begins when you don’t just believe, but actually KNOW that all the power you need is within YOU!

Positive Affirmations and Activities Staff Inservice - 50% OFF

This inservice is designed to assist the Recreation/Activity Director or Staff Educator in providing an overview of positive affirmations as it pertains to older adults and elders and may also be used for team building as well as increasing staff morale. It comes with a handout, teacher's outline, certificate of attendance, inservice sign in sheet, flyer to announce the inservice, an interactive exercise, and an in-service evaluation form. FOR ENTIRE STAFF! Participants will be able to:


*define positive affirmations
*state at least 5 benefits of incorporating positive affirmation into the Recreation program and into one’s life
*name at least 5 positive affirmation activities or ideas for use
*state at least 5 affirmations for self or others


50% price cut ONLY $7 (reg $14) sent via email (PDF) for you to download




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