We all know how important it is to find peace and joy and have less stress in our lives. Stress is the cause of so many of our health issues. Many of us get so busy with our day to day lives that we actually forget to just be. I confess, this is one of my challenges. Sometimes all I can do is just stop and breathe for a moment. We have to start somewhere. Below are some videos, tips, exercises, and inspirational memes to help you find the peace and joy that you seek but at the end of the day, it's up to you to find it within yourself.
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Things That Make You Happy Jar
An Attitude of Graditude
Stress Buster Power Pouch
We all have stress in our lives from time to time. This power pouch is designed to help you with stress relief, love, joy, peace, balance, and transmuting negative energies. Be blessed, not stressed! Includes one of each: Smokey Quartz (may have been artificially irradiated), Rose Quartz, Lepidolite, Blue Quartz, Halite rough, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.
Feeling a little blue or unmotivated? These are some of my favorite happy stones. This crystal power pouch is designed to put a little pep in your energetic step and play in your day. Includes one of each: Crazy Lace Agate, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Orange/Yellow Calcite, Gold Tiger Eye, Ocean Jasper, and Rose Quartz. velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.