GROUNDING - Methods, Crystals, Chakras


In my opinion, nothing works better for grounding than walking barefoot on the grass or at the beach. You may also lay on the grass or beach in any of these crystal layouts. Sometimes this isn’t an option and we can use crystals and other means to assist us. Grounding mats are available on the market and can be used to amp up your crystal work and meditation sessions. Below are some sample grounding layouts using a grounding mat and Black Tourmaline. The picture on the right shows Black Tourmaline placed above the head, below each foot, at the Earth Star Chakra, Heart Chakra, one in each hand, as  well as a bracelet and anklet. There are many other grounding crystals and minerals and stones that can be used. Some examples include: Lodestone, Hematite, Red Jasper, Tiger Iron, beach or river rocks, etc. Visit the Earth Star Chakra and Root Chakra pages for more information.


You can lay down and place your crystal between your feet, or 12-8 inches below the feet. You may also sit in a chair with feet flat on the ground and place the crystal
between your feet.

Grounding Body Layout with Rocks

Materials - Rocks, Hematite, grounding mat, nature sounds or music.

Directions - Place larger rocks around the body and smaller ones on the body. Place the Hematite at the Earth Star Chakra, about 6-12 inches below the feet. You may substitute the Hematite with a rock, Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz or other grounding crystals. Place one rock in your receiving hand. Lay in this position for 10-20 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable. Nature music or sounds will enhance the experience as well. If you would like to use essential oils, Patchouli Oil is a great one for grounding.

Rocks and Grounding

Smokey Quartz
Ethereal Crystal Energy

Grounding Power Pouch

Feeling a little spacy or disconnected? This power pouch will help to ground your energy so you can focus and connect to Mother Earth. Get your feet on the ground. You have a mission to accomplish! Includes one of each: Spotted Agate, Red Jasper, Hematite, Tiger Iron, Black Sardonyx, velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.

Price: $12.95 + shipping

Earthing Mat and
Grounding Crystals

Negative Ions

Grounding Crystal Grids

Tourmalated Quartz, Lodestone, Tiger Iron, Brecciated Jasper, Hematite, Clear Quartz
Black Kyanite, Black Tourmaline,
Smokey Quartz, and Hematite

Nurturing Nature Power Pouch

This crystal power pouch is designed to help you connect with the nurturing and grounding energies of nature. Includes: Tree Agate, Ocean Jasper, Moonstone, Mahogany Obsidian, Rainforest Rhyolite, Serpentine, Red Petrified Wood, large velour bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.


Price: $17 + shipping

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is located anywhere from 6 to 36 inches below the feet, aligned with the spine. That’s a very large difference but it’s important to try various techniques and distances, until you find what works specifically for you. The colors often associated with this chakra are black, brown, and deep burgundy. Key points that are said to be associated with this chakra include:

  • Acts as a grounding cord that connects us to Mother Earth in a physical and spiritual sense, to the crystalline grid, and to the Earth’s magnetic core.
  • Connects us to Gaia AND universal energies.
  • Connects the etheric body to the physical world so we can live on this plane.
  • Helps stabilize and release energy. 
  • Works closely with the Root Chakra to keep us grounded and centered.
  • Helps us live in the present moment and enjoy life on this planet.
  • Holds past life and karmic information.
  • Grounds the entire chakra system.
  • Part of the etheric body, not the physical body.

Crystals: Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Chiastolite, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Petrified Wood, Picture Jasper, Shungite, Fire Agate, Black Onyx, Lodestone


  • I am connected to Mother Earth.
  • Mother Earth supports me.
  • I am grounded to Gaia.


Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is said to be located at the base of the spine in the area of the tailbone. The colors associated with this chakra are black and red. Key points that are said to be associated with this chakra include:

  • Also known as the Muladhara Chakra, Base Chakra, or 1st Chakra
  • Associated with the adrenaline gland and the sense of smell
  • Survival instincts, stability, security, self-preservation, overcome fears.
  • Symbolized by a square, which represents the Earth (it’s element is the Earth)
  • Connection to our human existence
  • The Root Chakra is our foundation
  • Financial security and material needs
  • Life force, vitality, health, and nutrition
  • Kundalini is said to rise from the Root Chakra
  • It’s like our roots to the physical plane.
  • Bija: Lam Note: C
  • Higher chakras may be affected if we don’t have deep roots - very important chakra!

Crystals: Red Jasper, Red Tiger Eye, Brecciated Jasper, Bloodstone, Jet, Red Calcite, Cuprite, Goethite, Tiger Iron, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Chiastolite, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Fire Agate, Black Onyx, Shungite, Lodestone


  • I am safe and secure
  • I am grounded and stable
  • I have all that I need

Earth Star Chakra
Power Pouch - I ground

Root Chakra
Power Pouch - I am

This pouch is designed with the intent to help balance the Earth Star Chakra. Includes one of each: Picture Jasper, Lodestone rough, Andalusite, Hematite Jasper, organza bag, affimation card, and printed directions.
Price: $10.50 + shipping

This pouch is designed with the intent to help balance the Root Chakra. Includes one of each: Red Tiger Eye, Black Agate (dyed) , Red Aventurine, Zebra Jasper, organza bag, affirmation card, and printed directions.
Price: $9 + shipping







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