I've never considered myself a trend setter, nor did I ever feel that I really made much of an impact. However, I have to say that I've noticed more and more people and websites are using the concept of "crystal adoption" or "adopting crystals". Looks like I can officially call myself a trend-setter!

I will share with you why I coined this term in regards to crystals. First off, I am adopted. It has greatly affected me throughout most of my life. I am intrigued by the adoption system and for the foster parent program. I have great respect for the concept and what they are trying to do. My life would have been completely different if I wasn't given the opportunity to live with parents who gave me all that I needed and more. I shudder to think what my life would have been like. The concept of crystal adoption is a personal extension and expression of who I am and how I have come to be where I am at this stage of my life. I feel that what I am doing is helping people find crystals that will resonate with them. Through sight, touch, and my Kimtuition, I help make this energetic connection come to fruition.

Lastly, I feel that I am helping crystals find new homes rather than sitting in plastic bags in big warehouses. This is why I call myself the Crystal Foster Mom. The crystals I bring home are taken out of that yucky plastic. They are cleansed (physically, when possible) and energetically. They are stored in natural materials and taken out for sunlight, smudging, and for the melodious sound of my crystal singing bowl. I truly take care of them while they are held in my personal sacred space.

I know that what I am doing is working. Many people tell me that the crystals they adopt from me feel so different. Well, now you know why and understand the deep-seeded reasons behind what I am doing and why. I'm really proud of coining the "crystal adoption" concept. It just feels so right to me and I am blessed to have the opportunity to provide this beautiful service.

Kim Grandal


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