Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22.
Join me in sending healing to our glorious planet.




Earth Day is April 22nd each year but technically should be honored 365 days a year. Earth Day was established in the United States in 1970 as a modern environmental movement. The movement came after concerns of air pollution, oil spills, water pollution and over 150 years of industrial development. The early movements shed light on the negative effects to the planet and its inhabitants and by the end of the 1970's the United States Environmental Protection Agency was established. Many environmental laws and regulations were soon to follow.


Here are some ways to honor our glorious Mother Earth.

1. Plant a tree. If for some reason you cannot do this, then plant shrubs, flowers, vegetables and so on. You can also do indoor gardening if you can't get outside.

2. Leave the car at home. Car pool or better yet, ride a bike or walk to work.


3. Go for a hike, to the park, a botanical garden, etc. By all means get outside to celebrate Earth Day. Hug a tree!


4. Unsubscribe from mailed catalogues or magazines.


5. Monitor your water and electricity use.


6. Make bird feeders, bird fountains or other types of feeders for various animals. Plant flowers that butterflies or bees enjoy.


7. Upcycle something. Grab a tissue box, cardboard box, plastic jug etc. and make something out of it. You can even have an upcycle party and invite friends.



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8. Have a Your Junk is My Treasure Party. Invite friends and family to bring unwanted clothes and items. Place donated items out on tables and them to "shop". Just have a plan on what to do with all of the leftover items. You may need to donate to Salvation Army or Clothing Drop Boxes.


9. Get grounded. Go walk barefoot on the grass or beach, hold rocks, hug a tree, whatever helps you make a connection to our beautiful Mother Earth.


10. Send healing energy to our Mother Earth for she needs it now more than ever.


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