Recreative Resources

Watermelon Day

By Ginger Bonner

I credit this special day to Wally Amos, the founder of Uncle Wally’s Muffin company who wrote a wonderful inspirational Watermelon Credo taken from his book "Watermelon Magic" The creed is all about thinking positive, having a positive attitude, making every day fun and stands for all the things I believe in. Each letter represents a different aspect of how to live your life. Check it out here. I give out copies of the creed to the residents on pink paper and the Watermelon Creed is the message of the day. I tell them that they should think of the creed every time they eat a watermelon!

Making a giant watermelon to hang around my neck was easy with pink, green and white oak tag from the dollar store that I put in layers after cutting them in a u shape and cut out "pits" from black or brown construction paper as seen in the picture. I was very lucky that I found watermelon pajama pants at a local department store but all you need to wear for the costume is a pink outfit. Have the residents wear pink too and have a "pit application "party at the start of the day. I put on upbeat music while I tie pink balloons on walkers and wheelchairs and apply "pits" simply by taping the construction paper I have pre-cut onto the clothing. I also made this silly hat very easily. Silly hats are always a success when it comes to making people smile. My base was a New Year’s Eve top hat. All I did was wrap and tape pink paper around the hat along with a few pits and "voila!" a watermelon hat!


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After the costumes are on, it’s time for Watermelon Day. You can find a lot of fun facts here about the watermelon here. I google and print out information beforehand to teach the residents during "Watermelon Class". I like sites similar to this one because facts are simply printed out one by one. It is much easier than teaching a lesson from a wordy paragraph found on the on-line encyclopedia. Did you know that it is both a fruit and a vegetable? It has pits, making it a fruit but it is in the gourd family, which is a vegetable. Also, the Indians used it as a canteen because it is 92% water, so they could hold plenty of water on journeys. Check out the sites and you will find plenty of interesting facts to teach the residents.

There are a number of activities you can incorporate into the day. Below are some examples.
Watermelon Stretch-a-Word: Put the word on the board and come up with smaller words within it. (name, later, meal, meat etc.) It is a great thinking game. Try to get everyone to take a chance. Some people are able to and are the first one to quickly come up with words. I really try to give everyone a chance.

Watermelon Bingo: The prizes are something I get at the dollar store with a watermelon on it, even Watermelon Shampoo.

Cooking: There are many watermelon recipes but I demonstrate making a salad with whipped cream, marshmallows, lime soda, red onions and mint. It is sort of an ambrosia and the residents simply love it. You can put blueberries or any fruit at all in it!

Music: If you go to YouTube, there are actually a few songs about watermelons. There is also a silly childhood song sung to the tune of Frere Jacqes": “Watermelon watermelon, how it drips, how it drips, up and down my elbow, up and down my elbow, spit out the pits, spit out the pits".

It is silly but silly is so good and the residents feel young when I sing it. Watermelon Day is a fun day full of laughter, learning, love and music. Just remember to think of the creed next time you see a watermelon. Make every day fun and walk around life with a positive attitude and you will attract all positive things in your life! Happy Watermelon Day!


By Ginger Bonner

Ginger conducts her rockin' themed programs for the young fashioned senior with love, learning, music and laughter. Her mission is to empower incredible senior citizens to feel young by creating a youthful attitude.

***Click here for more fabulous ideas by Ginger!***

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